Back to School Chaos: My Go-To System for an Easier Transition

My kiddos go back to school next week and, as always, I have mixed feelings.

Lazy Daze of Summer

I love summer, minus the humidity. #curlygirl There’s no homework. Our schedules are more flexible, and I get to sleep in a little.

I schedule fewer sessions, meetings, and coffee dates, so the boys and I can hang out or do something around the city.

The weeks are spent in sunny denial, trying not to think about school starting in the fall.

Summer chaos

Mom? Mom. Mom!

Then again, with the kids home ALL day, there’s more mess, more questions, and more chaos. It’s hard to get shit done and I can feel myself getting annoyed more easily.

On top of it all, we decided to throw a bathroom renovation in the mix. So, about this time each summer, I’m ready for school to start.

Like I said, I have mixed feelings.

When does school start again?!

Last week, the barrage of back-to-school reminder emails, texts, and social media posts snapped me out of my denial and into a panic, as I started to think about all the Must Dos and Have Tos, like school drop-off times, car-pooling, how my work schedule will change, sports practices, dinners, and *sigh* homework.

I feel this way every year. At least, I’m aware of it??

When those feelings start to set in, I remember the Balance Formula. I can feel myself relaxing just by thinking about it.


The Balance Formula is my all-time fav-can’t-live-without-most genius-y system. I came up with it when I first started my private practice back in 2015. Between potty- training and spreadsheets, I was drowning in all the To Dos.

The Balance Formula is how I organize all the Must Dos, Have Tos, and Want Tos for the week and get things done without losing my shit.

I use it every Sunday during my Weekly Planning Sessions (WPSs), that gloriously quiet time every Sunday morning before the kids wake up when I sit in bed with a cup of coffee and look at the week ahead. The WPS is another great system that keeps me afloat when life feels overwhelming.

The end of summer is tough enough! The Balance Formula makes the transition a little easier.

Relax into the school year with your own copy of the Balance Formula.